Elected Experience: Island County Commissioner (2008-2012). Served on Board of Health, Senior Services, Law and Justice, Salmon Recovery, Mental Health, and Northwest Clean Air Agency. Greatly improved transparency, increased public participation, and ensured veterans and military families get the support they deserve.
Other Professional Experience: Small business owner of Straight Edge Architecture, LLC; architect, carpenter, and machinist.
Education: BS in Architecture, Washington State University. Masters in Environmental Law and Policy, Vermont Law School. Attended Skagit Valley College.
Community Service: Founder of a non-profit advocating for transparent government and smart land use planning; public school volunteer teaching science, gardening, art, and architecture; PTA Golden Acorn Awardee.
Statement: Washington has been my home for 30 years and Whidbey Island for 20, where my husband, a retired Naval Aviator, and I built our home and raised our two children.
While volunteering to protect a public estuary, I discovered a gross abuse of public funds and began attending local government meetings. What I witnessed compelled me to fight for government that represents people. I became a commissioner when Island County was facing financial collapse. Working with bipartisan colleagues, we cut spending by 20%, streamlined departments, and froze elected official's salaries. I prioritized living wage jobs, veterans services, affordable housing, public health and safety, water quality, and protecting the environment. To support parks, senior services and 4H, I donated over $40,000 of my salary.
It's time to replace politicians who spend your tax dollars on lobbyists, big corporations, and special interests. I will fight to bring our taxes home to fund education, promote Washington businesses, protect family farms, prioritize job-generating road, bridge, and ferry projects, and support a high quality of life.
I will listen to, hear, and represent the people in our district. Together we can accomplish great things for today and tomorrow's generations. I ask for your vote.