Estela La Riva
Elected Experience: Candidate for Mayor of San Francisco, 1983 and 1991;
Candidate for Governor of California, 1994, 1998; Candidate for U.S. President,
Other Professional Experience: Elected Vice President, Pacific Media Guild, CWA;
Graphic Artist; Award Winning Video Producer, "Genocide by Sanctions" (Iraq
1998). "NATO Targets" (Yugoslavia 1999)
Education: Attended Brandeis University
Community Service: Founder, Farmworkers Emergency Relief; Founder and
Coordinator, National Committee to Free the Cuban Five; Organizer, ANSWER
Coalition-Act Now to Stop War & End Racism; Organizer of numerous protests
against war and occupation in Central America, Middle East; Activist in
movements against racism and police abuse and in support of women's and LGBTQ
Eugene Puryear
Elected Experience: Candidate of Statehood-Green Party for District Council,
Washington D.C., 2014; Party for Socialism and Liberation candidate for Vice
President, 2008
Other Professional Experience: Author, Shackled and Chained: Mass Incarceration
in Capitalist America; Radio talk show host; Blogger for Liberation News.
Education: Graduate,
Howard University
Community Service: A
founder of the Jobs Not Jails Coalition and co-founder of the DCFerguson
Movement, a Black Lives Matter organization in Washington, D.C.; key organizer
of many marches and rallies against wars
in Iraq and Afghanistan and in solidarity with Palestinian rights; frequent
lecturer at colleges and universities on issues of racism, police brutality and
mass incarceration.
Statement: I am a labor, community
and anti-war activist. Born in Albuquerque, N.M., my father was a letter
carrier, my mother, a Mexican immigrant and garment worker. I am a union
activist and elected delegate to the San Francisco Labor Council.
Today, 62% of the U.S. population lives paycheck to
paycheck, while the super rich accrue obscene wealth. When the capitalist
bankers torched the economy the federal government bailed them out with the
trillions of dollars of our money. Today, the criminal bankers are richer than
ever while millions have been plunged into poverty.
The capitalist
system cannot be fixed. The multiple crises of inequality, injustice, endless
war, environmental destruction and more can only be resolved by replacing
profit-driven capitalism with a system based on meeting people's needs -
socialism. Socialism means the workers have economic and political power; the
economy is planned to benefit the people and the planet.
My party's10-point program begins: For the earth to live,
capitalism must end. A job or income, healthcare, education from
preschool through university, adequate food and affordable housing--all should be Constitutional rights. We
call for shutting down all U.S.
military bases around the world and bringing all U.S. armed forces home; ending U.S. aid to Israel and
self-determination for the Palestinian people; lifting the blockade on Cuba; independence for Puerto Rico; ending racism and the epidemic of police
brutality and mass incarceration; freeing Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu Jamal,
Oscar Lopez Rivera and all political prisoners; honoring Native treaties;
defending unions and a $20/hr minimum
wage; equal rights for women including full reproductive rights; full
equality for LGBTQ people; full rights for all immigrants; nationalizing the banks and corporations and using their vast stolen
wealth to provide for people's needs; and jailing Wall St. criminals.
Vote Socialist!