2018 General Election Voters' Guide
Legislative District 46 - State Representative Pos. 1

Coming Soon
Gerry Pollet
(Prefers Democratic Party)

Elected Experience: Your State Representative since December, 2011

Other Professional Experience: UW School of Public Health faculty; Director and public interest attorney for Heart of America Northwest, citizens’ group leading efforts for cleanup of Hanford

Education: UW School of Law

Community Service: Twice “Legislator of the Year” recognized for leading efforts for affordable college access; “Sunshine in Government” League of Women Voters Open Government Award; UW School of Public Health, Community Service Award Winner 2010; Washington Coalition for Open Government, Board 2007-present; Long time PTSA and classroom volunteer, reducing overcrowding in Seattle Public Schools and for statewide school funding and education issues

Statement: I ask to continue serving as your State Representative, to make our tax system more fair, fully support public schools, make college affordable, protect our environment and consumers.

I’ve always stood up to special interests to do what’s right. That’s my pledge to you. Which is why I lead efforts to close corporate tax loopholes; passed legislation ending predatory car towing; championed first law in US protecting our youth from being addicted to e-cigarettes. Endorsed: 46th District Democrats; teachers; nurses; firefighters; Labor Council; Planned Parenthood; NARAL; environmental leaders and WCV; Alliance for Gun Responsibility; and hundreds of neighbors.

(206) 528-0078