Elected Experience: 31st District State Senator appointed and elected 2017; 31st District State Representative elected 2016; 47th District State Representative 1998-2000.
Other Professional Experience: Environmental training and consulting. International trade in Europe and Asia. Owner of small contracting business. Founding Director and first President of the PNW Erosion Control Association.
Education: Rutgers University, Cook College of Agriculture; Landscape Architecture.
Community Service: Phil has been married for 42 years with 5 children, three of whom are decorated US Marines. Knights of Columbus - 4th Degree, Sons of Italy, Eagles. Supports community issues like; Sweats for Vets, Coats for Kids, Special Olympics, Project Rachel.
Statement: As your Senator, I am proud to have introduced Constitutional Amendments to Ban an Income Tax (SJR 8204) and Protect our Right to Hunt and Fish (SJR 8206) and to have sponsored legislation to reduce or eliminate property taxes for seniors on fixed incomes. I will fight against more taxes on your income and the out-of-control property taxes and will fight a mileage tax with my dying breath. I am leading the efforts to rein in Sound Transit gouging people on our car tabs and will work to give us an elected Sound Transit Board, to allow our communities to opt out of ST3, and to force Sound Transit to go back to the people when projects are over budget.
I am a member of the Veterans and Military Affairs Committee, and the father of three US Marines, and I know the importance of supporting veterans.
I will fight against the constant efforts to limit our gun rights and to fight to make sure your tax dollars are spent wisely.
I ask for your continued support to fight for your rights and prosperity, and against more taxes and endless government growth.