2018 General Election Voters' Guide
Legislative District 28 - State Representative Pos. 1

Coming Soon
Richard (Dick) Muri
(Prefers Republican Party)

Elected Experience: State Representative, 28th District; Former Pierce County Councilmember; District 6, Former Board Member, Steilacoom Historical School District

Other Professional Experience: USAF Retired Lieutenant Colonel; Chief Quality Management, 62nd Airlift Wing, 1992–1997, Director of Airlift Operations, Incirlik Air Base, Turkey 1989-1991 (Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm, Operation Provide Comfort)

Education: Masters of Public Administration, Golden Gate University, Bachelor of Science Environmental Health, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Air Command and Staff College

Community Service: Kiwanis Club Steilacoom; past Board Member Steilacoom Historical Museum Association; Saint John Bosco Breakfast Team Leader; leader many veterans organizations, track, wrestling, soccer coach; married 39 years, 4 children, 10 grandchildren.

Statement: Dick Muri is a proven leader in our local government, retired Air Force and our state representative. Dick was a past member of the Steilacoom School Board and the Pierce County Council. For many years he has been actively opposed to the Sound Transit Vehicle tab fees and an advocate for lower property taxes.

Dick Muri knows that only people create jobs, not big government. He supports job growth by making it easier for businesses to prosper. He has a 21 year proven record of commonsense conservatism, environmental stewardship, public safety advocacy, public school support and fiscal responsibility.

(253) 439-9797